Monday, September 16, 2013

Another year later....

I see it's been a year since I last posted here. I really never think to update this blog, I'm usually on Facebook where everyone can follow every move I make with the cats every day. I have cats to take care of so updating a blog isn't up on my list of things to do.

Just like last year, this summer has been terribly busy with more unwanted cats and kittens than we can possibly care for. It's unreal the number of phone calls I get every day, asking, begging, pleading for me to take in cats and kittens that people just don't want or can't keep any more.

Since I can't take them all, I know some will go to the SPCA. Not everyone wants to bring their unwanted cats there because the SPCA is a kill shelter and everyone knows it. They don't keep feral, unfriendly or sick cats around to put up for adoption. Then there are the people who just throw their cats and kittens out like trash. They throw them in the woods, in the river, along side roads, or in dumpsters. Yes, there are a lot of people who just don't care and throw them away. What makes me furious are the people who do that because they don't want the SPCA to kill the cats. I rather know that cats are euthanized humanely at a shelter than left to fend for themselves outdoors, getting squished by cars, eaten by fishers, coyotes, hawks, or shot by idiots who hate cats.

We can only do so much. :(

This past year we've taken in a record number of cats again. Adoptions are slow throughout the summer and picking up a bit now that it's fall. I hope to get most of the spring and summer kittens out of here and into their new homes very soon.

We're still low on funds, which also happens every summer. Just have too many mouths to feed and vet bills. There have been several very sick cats and one injured cat that have wiped out the bank account and drained the food supply. We're also low on health care products such as L-lysine, Ivermectin, wormer, FortiFlora as well as gauze pads, q-tips, absorbent under-pads (Chux). Capstar, Frontline and Advantage are always needed.

Food donations are always needed. We feed most of our adult cats 4Health All Life Stages from Tractor Supply. Kittens eat Purina Kitten Chow and Blue Buffalo (for kittens who need more calories). Some fussy cats arrive who only eat one certain type of food, so we accept donations of all brands. The cats and kittens also eat canned food, 4Health, Friskies Turkey and Giblets Pate, Fancy Feast kitten are what most of them eat. But again, we have cats who only eat certain things, so we'll feed them whatever they like.

Donations for vet bills are always appreciated. You can donate through the PayPal link on our website, or directly to the vet which is Pet Street Station in Norwich NY. We have hundreds of dollars in vet care a month.

We've jumped a huge hurdle on our quest for a building. The place we want the most should legally still be a commercial building, not residential. This means we can still move forward in trying to purchase it. We still need a ton of money to do this, but at least I know now I can buy it and put cats in there.

Well this is around a years worth of babble for now. Same as last year, bottom line is, we need money to continue to do this. Lots of money. It's a lot of work, frustrating, exhausting, and expensive. I'll continue doing what I can to help the cats and kittens until I stop breathing, but I need help. Nobody can do this alone, certainly not me. If anyone would like to volunteer to do some of the dirty work, let me know. We need foster homes, grant writers, people to help with fundraisers. If you want to help, we'll find a way to keep you busy.

Thanks for all your support last year and in the previous years. We can't do it all without you.